Friday, March 9, 2012

Nonagenarian Lunatic "Made a Mistake" -- "Awful Sorry" About Scaring the Hell Out of Simple-Minded Dolts

"Well, I guess I was wrong," evangelical preacher and noted nitwit, Harold Camping finally admitted today. "I spent several years saying the world would end on May 21, 2011, and when it didn't end that day, I thought -- well, October, for sure, so I went on the radio and scared the Hell out of the simple-minded and the elderly who listen to me."

At this point, Camping shook his head in an aw-shucks kinda way and said "Boy, I sure blew that one. Sorry 'bout that."

When asked if he would return any of the money his "ministry of doom" had collected over the years or if he would close down his radio empire, Camping replied "Huh? What? I don't understand," and then left the room.